I'm having NAFA on this particular day..which make mi...DAMN TIRED....having all the 5 stations INCLUDING 2.4 KM RUN!!! siao rite.....i told this to my father and... =.=....my father replied: "it's normal what...when i was in army..i also like that"....DOTX!!! daddy~~ you and mi different~~i'm a woman~~you're a man~~ different oki~~~i was like dragging myself to school..cos too tired liao....then start off with shuttle-run~~ WHICH WHICH MADE MI DAMN HIGH~~!!! HAHA~~I BROKE MY OWN RECORD!!! THE FASTEST I RUN IS 11.3s....BUT BUT!!!! I RUN 10.7s~~WOOHOOOOOO~~~~~ I'm super high de.....i actually pulled pei yu's hand and keep jumping round haha.....after that did my standing broad jump~~ which i need 2 more CMs to get 3 pts T_T~~but can't haiz......=(...after that..did my sit and reach....well compare to my previous record in sec. school~ i did improve....usually i only and reach till 34-36....but then i got 40~~ nice....3 pts~~ =D....then my inclined pull-up....which was the worst..only 1 pt....the most only 3 that i can pull liao haiz....after that run my 2.4km....ZZZ...damn hot de sun....forcing myself to run like a bull lor.....zzz....damn tired de....
OH YA!!! and xin hui the most pervert de.....shuttle-run : 9.7s(5pts).....standing broad-jump:180(4pts)....pull-up:7?(4pts).....sit and reach:50+(5pts)....sit-ups: 35(5pts)....she like wonder-woman lor....almost every station 4pts above...only 2.4 she walk nia....after that...jia li run damn fast de....she was the second girl to come back!!! nice rite haha.....after that all of us went to IMM to eat....went to eat BK...then walk around play truth or dare at the garden plaza...which was damn fun~~haha....oh ya....we also saw Zoe tay~ the mediacorp artiste...she was with her 2 sons haha....also her two maids...i must say...her sons are very very cute!!!!.....then i drag myself home.....and I'm getting more and more pig!!! i took a bath then lay flat on my bed from round 5/6 + to midnight 3+ to cook noodles to eat.....after that...back to sleep....pig rite....haha....after that off to school~~oh ya some pics taken on that day~
mi and pei yu...& candy....& shu hui....& pui ying....the garden plaza...
if you notice...this tree has 2 colours...half green half yellow~~
have some cramps at my stomach there....cos my muscle at my stomach there is damn weak....by only doing 5 sit-ups i can start to cramp le....but didn't affect mi alot la....only when laugh will pain nia....went to IMM to eat Mos Burger..then jia li and xin hui bought something which attract lots of attention hahatook phots of them haha...and =.=...i'm being "rape" by hui ling and shu hui...which made mi sat down on the canteen floor for the first time...in the end...they made mi sat on it for 3 times... =.=~~after that...hui ling went off to "rape" jia jia (jia quan) which was damn funny.....cos pui ying gave him hints liao....(hint: merry-go-round)...yet he still don noe...then after hui ling started her attack....he went running round haha....damn funny lor....have to witness it by yourself...then you will see the fun point haha....after that....we get change for the taekwondo practice.....oki lor...damn fun too haha....stay back to do our "pattern" practice and more stretching for the kicks....asked pui ying to help mi stretch but over-stretch...causing me having pain at the left thigh....after that....we of us packed-up and went home liao....reach home...found some stuff to eat...=.=...half asleep while eating......wash up everything..yet leaving alots of un-done things...which made mi get lots of nagging from my daddy...i forget to off the heater....forget to set timer for the air-con~~ =X.....haiz...sorrie daddy...your nu-er lack of sleep....so become like tat =X....
jia li~~jia li and xin hui~~~ pei yu~~ (praying?)

as usual went to school...well my leg's oki la....cos i rub the counterpain(muscle-ache cream) before i sleep....this cream is effective...though it's got a smell...but the smell will fade very fast de...but very very effective...i promise....that over-slept today...so rush and rush...then etc. etc. etc.....same cycle lor....oh ya...did a presentation in-front of the class today...make mi damn nervous de....after that...went home at 4 plus....now sitting in-front of the com...haha...oki la~ stopping here le...I'm having OFA paper tomorrow~~ HOPE I CAN PASS IT =D JIA YOU JIA YOU~~~
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