Departed from Singapore to Malaysia last Friday, reached there at about 5 pm. Lots of relative came, from Singapore and other parts of Malaysia. Went over to auntie's place to stay over and wake up at 6 in the following morning cos have to accompany Uncle fetch his bride.
Reach K.L at about 9+ then started some tradition small games, first they are locked outside the house and given 3 flavors of drinks and one flavor of bread with fillings (sour sweet bitter spicy). Have to finish all before entering the house. After that there's a seaweed passing 6Th uncle very playful kept playing stunts which made everyone laughed alot.
During the seaweed game, the guys have to pass the seaweed using their mouth and the last person have to eat it up, so unlucky, my cousin's boyfriend was the last person and is YUCKS!.
After that have a hula-hoop test each have to hula for 20 twenty rounds,then is push-ups and finally my uncle made it to the bride's room.
A new type of game ar, the bride's friends write a Letter of "agreement" / Promise and ask my uncle to fill to blanks, after that the bride agrees with the content and fetch and bride back home~
After reaching home, 5Th uncle and 5Th auntie pray to the gods and ancestors. They went back to their room to rest for a while.
I went to re-bond my hair again~~ during the waiting. Cheap la, $50 and i chopped off almost half of my usual length. Attend the wedding dinner at night and had a heavy dinner. Went back to my auntie's house and next day travel back to Singapore =)
Blogger not cant move the photos so i only uploaded two, more of it is at my FB~ =)
sorrie to so late then update~ oki i'm stopping bb
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