- Meet @ JE and travel to City Hall - Marina Square.
- Buy Movie Ticket - "Coming Soon".
- Eat both normal and ice-cream buffet @ YUKI YAKI.
- Watch Movie after meal.
- Slack Around.
Cool ar....I manage to use the way of writing agenda to present this though lacking of other details which are used in the actualy writing . HAHA =P. I was abit late in meeting shu hui, but lucky didn't let her wait too long. Waited for xin hui and jia quan to arrive so that we can meet hui ling at JE platform. On the way to City Hall, we all keep crapping damn lot. Neither ipod/mp3 nor book(for mi) are needed throughout the whole journey. We never stopped talking and not forgetting to crap. After reaching, we went off to buy ticket first it was round 11.30 plus.
After purchasing the ticket, we went to YUKI YAKI to start our 3 hours plus meal (including of ice-cream). We slowly eat up then went off to "fry" ice-cream, totally madness when we do the "frying" everyone was having lots of fun there. After food, we went for the movie. I'm quite scared, the effects were the one that scared mi most. I tried to cover one eye and watch with one eye, but hui ling keep pull down my jacket. =X There's a scene which i closed my eyes, and i missed. I asked shu hui whether the thing got come out anot, she say got. Then i continue to ask what tink come out, she tell me smaller version de come out and she finds mi very funny.Cos i missed that part and asked her a quite stupid question. Anyway, the movie is not bad la.
After movie, we went off loitering round MS and then went to Singapore flyer and then to esplanade roof top to slack. Took many photos today. Oh ya, the clumsy me got injure again haha...i accidentally injure my third toe. But lucky not very really serious, oki photos time.
Shu Hui peeled 13 prawns...coincidentally, we are sitting at table 13~
ICE-CREAM BUFFET~ CHEF: XIN HUI~ BIG MESS~(look at how many cups of ice-creams we used)


Photos at cinema~

Skinny Photos~

Slacking around~

Xin Hui says her legs are aching...hui ling piggy back her...then xin hui piggy back hui ling and hui ling tries to piggy back shu hui too....but fail both of them fell down... then xin hui piggy backs shu hui for quite a distance~

Here's some scenery photos that i took at s'pore flyer~
SOme photos we took at esplanade...we did a jump photos...fail at first..and finally succeed...and a last group photo~

oki....thats all for today's outing phto le~~ ending with my solo pic here~ ta~

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