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While waiting for our food to come, ShuHui manage to capture some "priceless" pictures of PuiYing. And look at how she played with the balloon that we gave her.
Then a few pics.
Got my foot injured during last Wednesday de sparring. This was the second most serious one la, a lump actually swell up. I'm super shocked and so are my friends, first time i got myself injured till like this. My parents are now nagging at me to quit, but NO WAY!!! I'm going on for it, and not giving up halfway. I injured my right foot so my right foot is more swollen as compared to my left foot, the next photo is the most recent photo of my right foot, bruise all over my foot.
School's kinda boring recently, not much things to do and I'm getting more and more bore. But lucky got the NUTz and the rest of my friends in school if not i should be rotting le. OH YA!!!! my Ipod almost got dragged out of my bag and out from the bus i was boarding last Thursday.
The bus was full and i was standing near the back door, then a Boon Lay upper sec. boy was bout to alight from the bus, i gave way for him. But his bag hooked till my ear piece de wire....he never stop and i pulled hard for my wire la. The ear piece already fly out from my ear le,but he just continue to rush out. He struggled but never looked back to find out what happen. Lucky i got pulled my wire back, cos my Ipod already fly out of my bag when i just happen to pull my wire back.
Worse thing is that a boy from the same school, saw what happen but didn't stop the guy and just laughed and alighted. LIKE WTH!!!! MY THING ALMOST GONE ALONG WITH THAT UPPER SEC. BOY BUT HE NEVER TRY TO STOP HIM LA!!!!. DAMN HIM!!! But lucky never fly out. Was sms-ing with shu hui at that time, she say maybe it's a new way to steal people's things. Well it's better to be careful now.
Well somethings just happen so fast. So fast that i can't really re-act. But from what happens i know what is now more important to me, more precious to me, i just hopes everything will be going fine, as fine as possible.
And that's all i only wishes for....
After that we meet up with the rest and went to eat at ThaiExpress. Ordered this black pepper chicken, abit spicy, but lucky i can eat spicy stuff =)