like the previous post...3 projects came bombing at once~ like hell can....lucky both the POM and ETP project can do the same group all rush the project and lucky within three days we manage to finish it all...hehe....yesterday went to JE library to complete it....had lots of fun....but the most hard-working de are still the other 3 (pei yu, pui ying, shu hui)....i at most tink a little do typing up the project today....and today we are damn gong....we got card to the access room to print the proposal...yet....we don noe how to use the card....then in the end we have to ask help from the people inside to open the door for us....we ask-ed how to open the door...he just scan the card on the number pad reader and oki liao =.=....DOTX!!!! gong rite....anyway....skip-ed badminton today...wanna sleep more...cos' i this whole week sleep very picture time...
Designed a Shop "plate/Logo" for the proposed business and we are called "Minicious"

Spent 4 hours at the JE library to complete the whole project. The whole "desk" is messy.

After that during 30th of Oct. my previous CA(class advisor/class form) is leaving the school and going to the industry to work...we had a farewell party for him.....some other teachers join-ed us too...had so much fun at time.

After that during 30th of Oct. my previous CA(class advisor/class form) is leaving the school and going to the industry to work...we had a farewell party for him.....some other teachers join-ed us too...had so much fun at time.
The cake that we have prepared for him....
The cake-cutting ceremony.
Class Baton passing ceremony:
Mr faris to Miss Alamenlu(current CA).
"Tissue papers" for previous class monitor.
"Card" for present class monitor and treasurer.
Then is the Teachers Group Photo.
Then we cut the cake and eat...then jie ying (class monitor) wanna play a prank on Mr she ask-ed us to put the cream on his face.....but no one dares....then suddenly... Kenneth kee walk behind Mr Faris and "Apply" the cream on Mr faris's face...Mr faris eat cake eat half way the his expression was =.=....then Hui ling sneak-ed up behind and push-ed the slice of cake in Mr fairs's hand up and into his face...WAHAHA....then there's the pics.
Then everyone start to play the cream and manage to capture one of it.
haha oki la~ i'll be ending my post here....gonna do abit for the ETP project tml~ tata~
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