Thursday, April 12, 2007

dear blog...,
during the 9th APr- 11th APr of 2007...i had a motivational camp cum workshop...first day was vert tiring cox' not use to it ma...had to sit for 13 long hours in the school's library from moring till late 9 pm plus sia...sian...
In the first session...the first instructor was Amin...he was such a humourous person...crack alot jokes that made the whole 4Es and 5NAs laugh so much sia his jokes was very funny....and then choon seng gave him nick name Aminah haha... then afternoon came by so fast that he had to go liao cox in total we had 3 instructors...Next up was Ramesh...starting he was very funny but slowly he became very lame.. kept telling lame jokes... then when i came back from the choir practice...i saw my bag was @ the back and my sit was taken away who knows what had happen during my absent from the 2hr of choir practice...then i found out from my friends that he was angry and chase alot people out and scolded most of the people and some was very angry of him and some cried...thanks goodness i wasn't there..haha..but nvm la but during his session...time pass very slow..then came by the third instructor..Woei(wei)tang...i think he's a newbie @ coaching ba.. who knows...but he good iz that we can bully him de haha....we also had a competition among the 4 classes..4E1 and 5A1 name ourselves Bangala Gelek...and 4E2 and 5A2 name themselves Aminah Freaks.....
Then in the 2nd day...Ramesh was taking first session and he was not that angry any more and that day's session went very smoothly...then iz Amin's turn liao during that day...that day to me was a crying session...alot of the people broke down to cry cox..that help recognise actually how much we had done for our sad it was for me...haiz cry till eyes turn small haha...nvm @ least now i will know i can't blame my parents for thoses scolding and beating and nagging liao cox whatever they saying also means to I LOVE U VERY MUCH!!!! then Woei tang came and we got speed reading sessions...very fun lea...i learn to do a speeding reading of 20s liao haha...
Time flies and the last day came it was so sad and every one can't bear to leave with the instructors....but also from the camp we learn to do alot if speed reading..find keywords fast and memorise words faster and have more confidence in myself and more motivation and set my goals well and high also to have a high self-esteem in myself well learn well and recognise myself did sometink very wrong sorrie to my friends....

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