dear blog..,
So fast it has been the 2nd month since the day i start and left working aside....Let mi look back ba haha=p..
Still remember i just start school not long..my forgetful illness act up again lea wahaha...and then forget this forget that so blur queen sia mi..times fly rrreeeaaalll fast...haiz my common test a round the corner liao and so iz Chinese New Year lea hehehe...got "ang pao" to take liao but then still heaven buy all the things i need for the day lea...no times wor...and die die ..chiam chiam...maths some part i reali don't understand sia...especially iz the graph lor can die ar...then iz chemistry don't noe why a very simple thing that Ms Wong teach till so difficult sia...now i still don know scare lata must go for the EIP lea...don't want to go lor so sian de...then still got the geography and social studies ar...MORE HARD TO UNDERSTAND!!! why lea...cox' my subject teacher iz MR Low(lau)..his lesson iz so~ boring...bore till can sleep cox' he kept telling long long theory..and worst likes to joke with lame jokes...iz CHAO LEN LOR....don't why he still think iz very funny sian....
Oh ya valentine's day iz coming soon too hehe i wanna bake some cookies sia don't know i up to the skills anot lea...wanna make some for my colleague lea..since i so long never go vist them liao wor...haiz then got a lot thing to prepare...butter la ingredients have liao...nice nice box la and some papers hope i will suceess !...
Todae that stupid king kong(my hse master) so idiotic lor late late then let us go...just cox' ppl tok and tok he don't let us go home still wanna let us stay @ school till 7.30pm wanna if he's a madman lor toopid...more worst iz that mi and some friends bought some biscuits to eat while we"run" the 2.4 km..and while we were eating till very happy hor...THAT DANKOH CAME AND ASK US TO RUN!!! of cox' he's a teacher an't let him see we eating so we stuff the food inside our mouth and we run 1 of my friends almost choke it...and also very funny iz another friend lie to him sae he headache can't run then that DANKOH say what type of headache and they start "quarrel" super funny and lame...if the scene can be replay iz will be very funny so view iz again haha..
Any way i just hope that i can pass my common tet wif flyinh colours lor if not must go for the EIP lea...and FAHRENHIET MUS JIA YOU TOO!!! FEI LUN HAI ROXZ!!!
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