The environment there is not that good. I asked my mother why they choose this nursing house, she told me that this was the only nursing house that's willing to accept my grand-uncle. The nursing house is located at those resident area, too quiet. Inside was too dark, gives me a feeling that if got earthquake, it will collapse for sure. I can feel that my grand-uncle was feeling bored too. At there, i can see almost all old folks are wheelchair bounded. No programs, no entertainment(other than TV), not real hygienic. The only area that the old folks can move around is only at the level, no lift only stairs.
After awhile, my father wheel my grand-uncle back into his room. He's now real weak, after he came to the house, he never get out of his wheel-chair, the "nurses" were real short-handed. Only 1-2 people, and i don't think they are real nurse. In the room, my father carried my grand-uncle to his bed and chat with him awhile. My aunts look through his stuff abit and found some spoilt food. He kept his food when he can't finish. After persuading him for sometime, then my grand-uncle finally agree on throwing those stuff. We left the nursing house round noon time, before we left, we(kids includin mi) went to hold hands with my grand-uncle and say BB to him, took the taxi back home. Nothing much happen except that i got abit sick now. I'm down with abit of cold and cough, hope that i can recover before school starts =).
Oki I'm stopping here now, ending with two pics i took with Edmund(cousin)'s sunglasses~. TA~