Wednesday no etp!!!! We all play left 4 dead for actually 2 hours with no teacher disturbing and manage to complete 1 whole map in 3 sects. The last map super hard de....when the ship come need to get on...but the "zombies" suddenly all rush out....super craze....then got alot tanker.....shu hui and pei yu got pinned down....mi and candy keep shooting...super fun de....then everyone got real tense up...haha....then every time we play when got tanker/witch...will get one of us to be the bait while the others shoot....cos the tanker only focus on one until the one it attack is dead then change target.....while the witch will attack the one who startled sia....LEFT 4 DEAD IS FUN!!!!!
oki~ after the game went back home to change then go out with shu hui....cos daddy invited his colleagues to come eat....i don really want to stay at home with bunch of strangers....We went off to PS first then went further down to the Cathay nearby to watch the All's well End's Well....the show got Wu Jun Ru and Gu Tian Le de....the JIA YOU XI SHI 2009....i tink is half funny half lame....then before the movie starts, both of us went to the basement for dinner....since both of us have no idea what to eat...we decide to walk 1 one see how and we found this shop....The Indulge
While waiting for the food to come...both of us keep taking promise...I'll post up my unglam photos.....

Then our food arrived....I ordered teriyaki chicken bad....the base is's nice and the tomato smell is not too strong..just rite...haha XD

I ordered Lime juice for the first not sour...but the more i drink the more sour it the tongue went numb~~~~

After the dinner we went for the ended quite late...i wanted to go to Kinokuniya to search for book de.....both of us rush from PS to taka.....walk till both legs want to break liao....then found out that THE SHOP HAD ALREADY CLOSED!!! ARH!!!!!!

super sian diao....then we walk to orchard MRT station to take train bac....on the way...i found my shoe spoilt =.=.....but lucky spoilt till not real bad....then we took abit of photos...both of us went super high in the train don even need to listen to music while the training bac to boon lay.....oki la....a few more photos...

oki la....stopping liao....ta~~~