Dear blog...,
Yesterday went to see doctor...remember my wound on my leg ma...haven recover lea...when i go out from my house iz 8 plus...i waited for 1hour plus then i manage to see the doctor...omg....the doctor said that i had a skin infection early stage de....but she also said that the medicine she gave mi had to be appiled for a week but if still not recover must go back see her again...makes mi scare scare sia...hope that my leg could recover very soon....also she said there would be a scar think iz about 50 cents that big but never mind la the scar will lighten de ma haha....
the choir practice also very tired sia...and i got a camp on the 9 of Apr to 11 of shui that the 9th lies on the monday then she wanted us to come back to choir omg lor she always like that de but after a discussion among all the 4Es and 5NAs every one decide to come bac for 2 hours cox' this year last year hope to get a silver or bronze la...Ms Chua said;"Silver iz the target..Bronze iz the minimum" hope that we can do her and Mr Shi and the whole choir proud!!! Mr Shi ...the conductor for choir also wanted us to aim for silver wa...all our choir teachers want us to aim for silver so must hard hard liao...Ms chua also said that every day sure got teachers will ask her how's choir doing of them iz Mr DanKoh and Mr Ang (school' VP) every day come ask...(don't know Mr Lian got ask anot).....oki la now must work hard for my studies and SYF le so jia you jia you hope that choir can do well and not look down by other school mates !!! GOOD LUCK AND JIA YOU TO ALL!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
dear blog...,
during this tuesday afternoon choir went to seng kang secondary for an choir exchange took quite long for us to reach there as our bus driver had lost the way since we have to travel all the way from west to the north...far far lea...from outside of the school..the school looked small but when we entered it,it was very big...if i'm a first year student @ there i confirm will lose my way as the compound there was very big and their school hall was about two times of my school hall....
seng kang's choir were mostly come from sec1-3(so young..)while ours came from sec1-5....we listen to each other's pieces that will be singing in the SYF central judging....SKSS choir's sound was light as compared to ours..JYSS choir's(my school)have a more solid and mature sound and their pieces were so nice not like ours...haha..don know to say SKSS choir racist or what la...cox' there are no malay students or other races in the choir other then chinese and their boys mostly all sing soprano parts pro seh...1 think i don know like about in that school is that our condcutor wanted us to have some actions during the songs and they also have(same conductor)and when we do our actions they laugh @ first we thought that they were shocked therefore we didn't mind but second time they laugh again so can confirm that they were laugh @ our actions lor so irritating..we didn't laugh @ their actions and they laugh @ ours lame lor...therefore SKSS choir gave me a bad impression liao...
today we have a SYF rehersal @victoria concert hall and it was so nice inside there it was also the very first time that the whole choir can sing well on stage which was very seldom to be seen and to compared to the last two years i only can say that JYSS choir trust Mr Shi much more as compared to Mr Lim our previous conductor..that conductor was very impatient as compared to the present one..both are conductor but this is so much better then him....what i'm thinking now is that our choir is like must got big pressure on them then will sing well so strange rite....
after the rehersal we went back to school and we went to eat first before going back to class and while we were eating...yi ting saw Mr Teo(she wave)he came and anxiously ask us about how's the result and we were:"huh? what he toking about" then when we xplain to him he then understand lor haha...also found out that the school teachers were anxious about our results in SYF and many people look down on choir saying that we will get COP(cert. of parti.)again argh..some of us put bet with we our friends (mi one of them) if we are able to score something they owe us some thing haha....and we are the last 4th team competing that day our NO. iz 17...
today we are also having english oral...iz die the lor everyone who came out of the hall all gave an xpression "die liao" haha my invigilator iz Mr Siva and he kept shooting mi with qns ai yo also don know how to ans to it kept shooting non-stop..sian lor i think this iz the long post i ever written le ba...
during this tuesday afternoon choir went to seng kang secondary for an choir exchange took quite long for us to reach there as our bus driver had lost the way since we have to travel all the way from west to the north...far far lea...from outside of the school..the school looked small but when we entered it,it was very big...if i'm a first year student @ there i confirm will lose my way as the compound there was very big and their school hall was about two times of my school hall....
seng kang's choir were mostly come from sec1-3(so young..)while ours came from sec1-5....we listen to each other's pieces that will be singing in the SYF central judging....SKSS choir's sound was light as compared to ours..JYSS choir's(my school)have a more solid and mature sound and their pieces were so nice not like ours...haha..don know to say SKSS choir racist or what la...cox' there are no malay students or other races in the choir other then chinese and their boys mostly all sing soprano parts pro seh...1 think i don know like about in that school is that our condcutor wanted us to have some actions during the songs and they also have(same conductor)and when we do our actions they laugh @ first we thought that they were shocked therefore we didn't mind but second time they laugh again so can confirm that they were laugh @ our actions lor so irritating..we didn't laugh @ their actions and they laugh @ ours lame lor...therefore SKSS choir gave me a bad impression liao...
today we have a SYF rehersal @victoria concert hall and it was so nice inside there it was also the very first time that the whole choir can sing well on stage which was very seldom to be seen and to compared to the last two years i only can say that JYSS choir trust Mr Shi much more as compared to Mr Lim our previous conductor..that conductor was very impatient as compared to the present one..both are conductor but this is so much better then him....what i'm thinking now is that our choir is like must got big pressure on them then will sing well so strange rite....
after the rehersal we went back to school and we went to eat first before going back to class and while we were eating...yi ting saw Mr Teo(she wave)he came and anxiously ask us about how's the result and we were:"huh? what he toking about" then when we xplain to him he then understand lor haha...also found out that the school teachers were anxious about our results in SYF and many people look down on choir saying that we will get COP(cert. of parti.)again argh..some of us put bet with we our friends (mi one of them) if we are able to score something they owe us some thing haha....and we are the last 4th team competing that day our NO. iz 17...
today we are also having english oral...iz die the lor everyone who came out of the hall all gave an xpression "die liao" haha my invigilator iz Mr Siva and he kept shooting mi with qns ai yo also don know how to ans to it kept shooting non-stop..sian lor i think this iz the long post i ever written le ba...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
dear blog....,
1 week of the march hoildays have pass by and now all the teacher are rushing lessons to get us(mi and other schoolmates taking "O's this year) ready for the upcoming prelim 1(part1) in the coming May and the prelim 1(part2) after June holidays....
So fast and so rush cos' after the finsh of prelim 1 need to get ready for prelim 2 then 'O's liao very rush lea...this friday when doing reflection...Mr Lim H.B came into our class and ask who's interested in studying JJC for 1 one day..and Mr Lian ask him if the our class can go anot sia haha...and on the 30th of April(think iz this date) our class iz going to SP(s'pore poly) for half day(study there)'s a good thing as we can know wheher the enviroment there iz good to study in and whether the courses i'm interested are good @ there anot....
Going to have oral soon le (internal de) a little nervous cox' my engilsh not very good de lor always border scare scare let nature take its course liao....cox' now if wan fix the problem also quite hard le....
In this week i also know my"adoptive parents"(teachers)....they are Mrs Hon and Mr DanKoh...they are there to help us in cooping for 'O's and also in choosing which course we wan good rite...also this week iz also carrer guidance...i'm interested in courses: music and audio technology..,business course and a little in tourism and and resort tough of my friends say business gt future music don have/music better as business hard to get in....haiz i also know tourism and resort management more harder to get in as compared to those two but onli thing i can do now iz to work harder for my result then what course i go in depends on my fate and luck le...JIA You!!!
1 week of the march hoildays have pass by and now all the teacher are rushing lessons to get us(mi and other schoolmates taking "O's this year) ready for the upcoming prelim 1(part1) in the coming May and the prelim 1(part2) after June holidays....
So fast and so rush cos' after the finsh of prelim 1 need to get ready for prelim 2 then 'O's liao very rush lea...this friday when doing reflection...Mr Lim H.B came into our class and ask who's interested in studying JJC for 1 one day..and Mr Lian ask him if the our class can go anot sia haha...and on the 30th of April(think iz this date) our class iz going to SP(s'pore poly) for half day(study there)'s a good thing as we can know wheher the enviroment there iz good to study in and whether the courses i'm interested are good @ there anot....
Going to have oral soon le (internal de) a little nervous cox' my engilsh not very good de lor always border scare scare let nature take its course liao....cox' now if wan fix the problem also quite hard le....
In this week i also know my"adoptive parents"(teachers)....they are Mrs Hon and Mr DanKoh...they are there to help us in cooping for 'O's and also in choosing which course we wan good rite...also this week iz also carrer guidance...i'm interested in courses: music and audio technology..,business course and a little in tourism and and resort tough of my friends say business gt future music don have/music better as business hard to get in....haiz i also know tourism and resort management more harder to get in as compared to those two but onli thing i can do now iz to work harder for my result then what course i go in depends on my fate and luck le...JIA You!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
dear blog.....,
this are the pics from the view of the bus all are mountains.....quit foggy out therre.......

sum one living on this hill....

this is a man-made waterfall.....
we reached the hotel erm...quite eerie

the hotel's swimming pool,mybedroom(big window beside by bed and 1 mirror infront of my bed....that the air-con omg!!!)

our living room(apartment hotel)...messy neatly arranged....(by me and ruiling)
during the 1 week march hoilday i went to malacca..the trip was very fun and iz was the first time went with my school mates i had sooooo much fun take a look at the pic and you will know!
this iz my tour guide.....jennifer wong(erm..a little nagging la)

this is taken @ a rainforest..... jackson and choon seng(wearing spects) playing stunt ....

this are the items use in a malay wedding the items given to the bride...also have a bride's crown nice nice.....

Do you know that in a malay wedding...the bride and the groom are not allow to smile during the wedding as they were the king and queen of the day...these seats were where the bride and the groom would sit during the wedding.......

the hotel's swimming pool,mybedroom(big window beside by bed and 1 mirror infront of my bed....that the air-con omg!!!)

our living room(apartment hotel)...messy neatly arranged....(by me and ruiling)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
dear blog...,
haiz i did badly for my common test 44 for science...46 for combine humanities....and also fail english die sia like this.... thank goodness that iz was just only common test if it was my 'O's it would be bad....on friday,i felt as if the time is flying like an pass-by very fast....
i was put to be an position judge during the sports day and SO UNLKUCKY I TEAM UP WITH THE FAZLINA!!!!! my friends all warn me about her attitude....only just start .....THAT #@#$!##!@@$!!!! scold me but just think about if the runner was just too tired to tell you that name and was feeling very uncomfortable can i force the person to tell mi the name? can wait for his team mates to come and tell us the name rite...really don wan to scold but THAT DAMN ****ING B**** just came to mi and sae: ~(my name) where the 3rd! .......(my reply) what's the name ! TIME KEEPER BIG DEAL AR!? siao de lor when i told this to position judges they she's like that one of them also unhappy wif her...
just only that matter that hell stare @ me as if i did sumtink very wrong WTH F***!!!!!! others kept asking me to relax..listen to their advice once again i "press" down my anger....then the worst came liao...she's cock eye de lor i catch the person in 3rd place iz house andes and hell man she say iz rockies!!!! i went double check with other judes they also sae iz andes she show me another attitude lor when i told her iz andes she wanna quarrel with mi and shout back iz was house ROCKIES!!!! FEEL LIKE BEATING HER UP GIVE HER ** TIGHT SLAPS!!!! DAMN COCK EYE.....!!!!!
then when it came to the last race....she and i finally catch the same person then smile back to mi and say ya iz this one...WA i almost faint lor ....correct one she smile different from mi shout @ mi!!!! GO TO HELL la.... After that time she get wrong person and i got the correct person....she kept looking @ me like wanna catch my mistake sia didn't know this found out from the others judges(my friends) DMAN LAME AND STUPID LOR...then in class always like to act gentle act like a "angel" and act good girl....she just like blind-folded all thoses people eyes and jsut only let them see her good -side!!!
thank goddness i'm just only seeing her as classmate for the last year and guess what when the race all ended she smile @ me and searching a smile from my face and i only gave her an fake smile how to smile back when a person's fill with anger xspecially back to the person who made mi angry!!!!!
haiz i did badly for my common test 44 for science...46 for combine humanities....and also fail english die sia like this.... thank goodness that iz was just only common test if it was my 'O's it would be bad....on friday,i felt as if the time is flying like an pass-by very fast....
i was put to be an position judge during the sports day and SO UNLKUCKY I TEAM UP WITH THE FAZLINA!!!!! my friends all warn me about her attitude....only just start .....THAT #@#$!##!@@$!!!! scold me but just think about if the runner was just too tired to tell you that name and was feeling very uncomfortable can i force the person to tell mi the name? can wait for his team mates to come and tell us the name rite...really don wan to scold but THAT DAMN ****ING B**** just came to mi and sae: ~(my name) where the 3rd! .......(my reply) what's the name ! TIME KEEPER BIG DEAL AR!? siao de lor when i told this to position judges they she's like that one of them also unhappy wif her...
just only that matter that hell stare @ me as if i did sumtink very wrong WTH F***!!!!!! others kept asking me to relax..listen to their advice once again i "press" down my anger....then the worst came liao...she's cock eye de lor i catch the person in 3rd place iz house andes and hell man she say iz rockies!!!! i went double check with other judes they also sae iz andes she show me another attitude lor when i told her iz andes she wanna quarrel with mi and shout back iz was house ROCKIES!!!! FEEL LIKE BEATING HER UP GIVE HER ** TIGHT SLAPS!!!! DAMN COCK EYE.....!!!!!
then when it came to the last race....she and i finally catch the same person then smile back to mi and say ya iz this one...WA i almost faint lor ....correct one she smile different from mi shout @ mi!!!! GO TO HELL la.... After that time she get wrong person and i got the correct person....she kept looking @ me like wanna catch my mistake sia didn't know this found out from the others judges(my friends) DMAN LAME AND STUPID LOR...then in class always like to act gentle act like a "angel" and act good girl....she just like blind-folded all thoses people eyes and jsut only let them see her good -side!!!
thank goddness i'm just only seeing her as classmate for the last year and guess what when the race all ended she smile @ me and searching a smile from my face and i only gave her an fake smile how to smile back when a person's fill with anger xspecially back to the person who made mi angry!!!!!
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