dear blog,
Haiz times fly away so fast..now alreadi 2007 le ...leta' look bac at 2006... i was still playing with alot fun..till mid july and we start working hard hard for our N lvls le..still remembers tat..first time saw Mrs Kweh was when i was in Sec3..her ci xiang de looks and was carrying a child in womb @ that time..she form my class for two years sia...and also my chemisty teacher...she was a veri kind and much more caring then compare to others teachers..she's willing to share jokes wif us and play along wif us..when ever it was her lesson our class will always be filled with laughter and fun..we never let a minute pass-by us easily in our class..always will find tinks to do...didn't noe that she's taking a long break before she start her teaching journey again...haiz..so sad.....
Hard to tink sia....after my N lvls i rot @ home for 1 mth before i starrt working @ JP's Gift A Name....@ ther i found new friends and also a good supervisor plus a irritating person....my friend cum collegue..Christina(A.K.A Na Na) tought mi how to use different cutters n drivers..etc. @ different places and @ different tinks..another iz Ru Xin(A.K.A Xin Xin) a part-timer same as mi but work more longer la she's a cute gal wif a sweet smile she can brighter a person's day easily..a poly first yr gal cute sia hehe...=p....1 more iz Ruby(A.K.A Bi Bi)...she iz mature and a patient gal she noes e hard life of working and encouraing mi to study hard when she noe i promoted to Sec5..=)
last but not least iz my supervisor=Rosalyn(A.K.A "ma~")hehe...she takes great care of mi during work and trys her best to protect mi from that person hu loves to bully new ppl...Rosalyn never scolds mi but use another way that's talk mi to sense haha...she's also a caring mother wif 2 children..herhusband also good hehe veri sporty de...=p...now that person likes to bully mi and tok without thinking always hurt ppl's feeling hate her sia...!! We gt job to do in the morning like i wipe the display Showcases she vacum..the carpet floor and she purposely do slow slow just to let mi finish it for her DAMN LAZY!!!....Sadness iz that nt able to take pictures with all of them haiz....
Rowena....Ronald..and Mi went out on the last day of holiday to enjoy ma...we travel to bugis...take neoprint and went to the Guan Yin Tang to bai bai(onli mi n roro)...and we saw a guy from thailand was performing music using some traditional instruments...his controling of the tempo was perfect good...!!! Then we walk around ther..haiz veri sian lor cox nothink no walk and notink to buy sia..then we travel to Lot 1 haiz...go ther take neoprint again...then walk around and go bac to JP again to walk and we took the wrong train haha....but iz was a great day and the best of my 2006 memories...i never forget it....=0