dear blog..,
today i had alot fun with my net friends...we went to watch the movie i am ledgend...hmmm not bad....but don't know why the few girls say scary...i tink hai hao ba....not very scary lor....haha...maybe i'm bu zheng chang ba....haha....had a beautiful great day haha...also now going to take my results soon liao wor...haiz...hope i can really pass wif flying colours lor...stop here now...tata...~ =)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
dear blog..,
it's been a very long time since i have been updating my blog liao wor...i'll start from the day of my..birthday haha....
i would like to thank zi jun, Li Qi, Kim, yee qian, Rowena, Evangeline, Hui yi, suzana, cai ling, shu Hui, Ronald, xi hut and the rest of all my friends who had pei mi and wish mi happy birthday haha...LOL..i had a very wonderful 17th birthday at 17/12/2007~ thanks all.... soon going to take the results liao scare that i would fail badly then die liao lor....haiz...if i really die confirm plus guarantee will cry like hell the lame of mi ...anyway i also wish all of my friends to pass the O with flying wishes to all... mi is feeling like haiz...want to quit that stupid job I'm working now not nice...more worst that the previous regretful to work at there....think that i might quit even be4 the contract is stupid of mi to go sign it...regret liao lor...DotX....hate hate..~~
it's been a very long time since i have been updating my blog liao wor...i'll start from the day of my..birthday haha....
i would like to thank zi jun, Li Qi, Kim, yee qian, Rowena, Evangeline, Hui yi, suzana, cai ling, shu Hui, Ronald, xi hut and the rest of all my friends who had pei mi and wish mi happy birthday haha...LOL..i had a very wonderful 17th birthday at 17/12/2007~ thanks all.... soon going to take the results liao scare that i would fail badly then die liao lor....haiz...if i really die confirm plus guarantee will cry like hell the lame of mi ...anyway i also wish all of my friends to pass the O with flying wishes to all... mi is feeling like haiz...want to quit that stupid job I'm working now not nice...more worst that the previous regretful to work at there....think that i might quit even be4 the contract is stupid of mi to go sign it...regret liao lor...DotX....hate hate..~~
Thursday, December 13, 2007
dear blog...,
WA so long no update u liao haha....think this shall be a short one ba~cos not much to write bout wor~
nowadays mi work and work like siao haha....think is last week ba~ went out to watch a movie call enchanted...this show hai hao la...a mixture of the fairy tales lor...Cinderella~sleeping beauty~snow white...mi think is a bit quite lame de la haha...anyway...i think the job I'm working now really doesn't suits mi well...even my father also think so wor~
why lea~i also don know haha~ but due to this got injure instead ankle de ligament lea...haiz~ fa yan liao wor....doc. say mi maybe stand too long liao then got inflammation qiang wor got MC at home lor....only can sit..can't really walk bout...tml back to work lor~~jyjy....hope my leg will recover soon~ +)
WA so long no update u liao haha....think this shall be a short one ba~cos not much to write bout wor~
nowadays mi work and work like siao haha....think is last week ba~ went out to watch a movie call enchanted...this show hai hao la...a mixture of the fairy tales lor...Cinderella~sleeping beauty~snow white...mi think is a bit quite lame de la haha...anyway...i think the job I'm working now really doesn't suits mi well...even my father also think so wor~
why lea~i also don know haha~ but due to this got injure instead ankle de ligament lea...haiz~ fa yan liao wor....doc. say mi maybe stand too long liao then got inflammation qiang wor got MC at home lor....only can sit..can't really walk bout...tml back to work lor~~jyjy....hope my leg will recover soon~ +)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
dear blog...,
haiz~~ still no news from any one about recruiting mi to job sia~~ haiz~~ if really no one wants mi then have to go back to GAN to do liao lor~ don want to go back there and do cos' they eat my $$$ de and no increase $$ for OT and no commission and no increase pay haiz~~ i hope i will receive a call tml la~~ god bless god bless~~
haiz~~ still no news from any one about recruiting mi to job sia~~ haiz~~ if really no one wants mi then have to go back to GAN to do liao lor~ don want to go back there and do cos' they eat my $$$ de and no increase $$ for OT and no commission and no increase pay haiz~~ i hope i will receive a call tml la~~ god bless god bless~~
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
dear blog....,
finally i have finshed my 'O' levels le...~ today is the last paper....yet i don't have the happy mood like all~ don't know why....maybe due to the lack of sleep or too scare but~ don't know~ anyway just wanna start my days new again before i receive my results~ haiz~~start my job hunting tomorrow~
finally i have finshed my 'O' levels le...~ today is the last paper....yet i don't have the happy mood like all~ don't know why....maybe due to the lack of sleep or too scare but~ don't know~ anyway just wanna start my days new again before i receive my results~ haiz~~start my job hunting tomorrow~
Friday, November 09, 2007
dear blog..,
after the 13 Nov' I'm free and out of school~no more wearing of school u. no more following rules~ i can do the things i want in my way...HOHOHO~ haiz life wif uni. having been with mi through 13 yrs~ now no more le...going to miss it alot 2 just hope that mi and all my friends can always keep in contact~wa~ 13 nov sch sch for 13 yrs...1313 o.0....
anyway~ i dreamt of this yesterday morning still sleeping~ i dreamt that i got 33 marks for my GCE 'O' and i cried...and that feeling of getting that kind of results was soooo real~ and really wet my pillow...damn scary scare that if i really get those results tink even ITE also don't want mi~so scare....what will happen to mi if this really happen~ and why i would dreamt of this?? is it cos i too tired/stress OR IS IT REAL??? omg~ can't even tink of anything~
after the 13 Nov' I'm free and out of school~no more wearing of school u. no more following rules~ i can do the things i want in my way...HOHOHO~ haiz life wif uni. having been with mi through 13 yrs~ now no more le...going to miss it alot 2 just hope that mi and all my friends can always keep in contact~wa~ 13 nov sch sch for 13 yrs...1313 o.0....
anyway~ i dreamt of this yesterday morning still sleeping~ i dreamt that i got 33 marks for my GCE 'O' and i cried...and that feeling of getting that kind of results was soooo real~ and really wet my pillow...damn scary scare that if i really get those results tink even ITE also don't want mi~so scare....what will happen to mi if this really happen~ and why i would dreamt of this?? is it cos i too tired/stress OR IS IT REAL??? omg~ can't even tink of anything~
Monday, November 05, 2007
dear blog...,
i saw "him" couple days ago...'he's with his partner that embrass when both of us saw each other...'he' did change abit but his attitude is still the same~~though it's alright to see each other as s'pore is so small~~ but then just want to avoid "him" as long and as far as possible....i still remember "him" coming in to my work place last year...haiz...i'll avoid le avoid~avoid~don want to say or talk bout it le~
i saw "him" couple days ago...'he's with his partner that embrass when both of us saw each other...'he' did change abit but his attitude is still the same~~though it's alright to see each other as s'pore is so small~~ but then just want to avoid "him" as long and as far as possible....i still remember "him" coming in to my work place last year...haiz...i'll avoid le avoid~avoid~don want to say or talk bout it le~
Saturday, November 03, 2007
dear blog...,
i also got some problems de haha...though i know that my photographing skills are lousy but i like to take picz of the scenery some times...and manage to capture before it disappear...though i know not very nice... some where near my house~
the sunset~take a careful look and the sky~the colours~~
and last of all~ ther's mi =) ^^
it has been a long since i had update "you"....i'm having so much stress during this whole week and i tink that i'm going to fail my O's badly and i'm going to re-take is le.....omg....feeling not very good....
anyway...this whole week i have been going out to study with my friends in a group lor least i manange to understand a few more things that i usually don't really understand that well study outside is really much better than studying at home where i can't find help from....i like this group study alot~~~ ^^ we had so much fun and helping each other at work~ but i'm just scare that i'll be re-taking cos i didn't really manage to do very well~~HAIZ....gbm~~~ haha got some picz to upload during the time of the study~
there's also mi and jolin~
mi and thiam boon and cheng jin~~
then with the 2 sleeping heads~~
i also got some problems de haha...though i know that my photographing skills are lousy but i like to take picz of the scenery some times...and manage to capture before it disappear...though i know not very nice...
the sunset~take a careful look and the sky~the colours~~
and last of all~ ther's mi =) ^^
Monday, October 22, 2007
dear blog...,
haiz....can't believe it...i just recover from a serious fever not long ago.......which cause mi 3 days'm down with a cold and cough liao..haiz...critical period and i'm sick...omg...i just hope that can recover faster and no nid to take MC...if not I'm dead meat....haiz...jia you jia you...!!!!
haiz....can't believe it...i just recover from a serious fever not long ago.......which cause mi 3 days'm down with a cold and cough liao..haiz...critical period and i'm sick...omg...i just hope that can recover faster and no nid to take MC...if not I'm dead meat....haiz...jia you jia you...!!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
dear blog...,
it's so is my official last day in the school...after today..i would only be going back to school just to take my 'O' levels....can't believe it...time really files....and as the 'O's gets nearer i'm getting more and more scare....just afraid that i would just flung my'O's....just don't know why lea....haiz...omg~the first paper to take is just on the next week....then it would real tough for mi....omg...just hope that i can't really do it very well....god~
it's so is my official last day in the school...after today..i would only be going back to school just to take my 'O' levels....can't believe it...time really files....and as the 'O's gets nearer i'm getting more and more scare....just afraid that i would just flung my'O's....just don't know why lea....haiz...omg~the first paper to take is just on the next week....then it would real tough for mi....omg...just hope that i can't really do it very well....god~
Saturday, September 29, 2007
well...this post is the continues of the previous post and also a promise that i had made....the video...and also the pic of my G. gift and cert. reminder...if want to watch the video..better pause my blog music first..then play my music again after finish watching the video...for a better view..maybe you might want to take a look at here...I've uploaded it there too~
Class 5A1: Graduation Video....
dear blog..,
it's unbelievable...i had so-call graduated from my school's a very hard think to accept now....this whole month...there's alot of things that had my family member's friends birthday....graduation ceremony and more.....haha...a great fun year and this whole month...this the conclusion of my five years up till now in Juying Secondary....really there not much that i can really explain to...but only to show you all the pics..that i had taken after the last post till now....and also the video haha....we had given our teacher a mug....with our class photo in it....also...the graduation video to all our classmates and all our subject teachers....anyway..really can't explain that feeling now so *CHEERS* to it....good luck all!!!!!
up next are all the pictures i had to show you...alot...tink is more then 60 haha....gonna lag the wins. when you see it haha.... *HUGS* *CHEERS*
1st up:Teacher's day card & the Preparation of the video
Next: My father's birthday.....along with my family
3rd: my brother's birthday.....
it's a pity...that i didn't manage to capture...some during Rowena's birthday..and the graduation ceremony....sadness....
4th: Shu Hui's birthday...but only got mi and her..haiz...
5th is Yee Qian "hack"
6th is Zi Jun's birthday...among all think is her picz the most liao haha...who ask her to hab so many presents~
my conclusion to all the picz is tat..I LOVE THEM ALL!!~
on Yee Qian's birthday..we've got her a bangle..a pair of short jeans...and "two" years supply of tissue paper haha....cos' she always provide tissue for us then say must return we've return it to her liao lor haha...bout 90+ packets for her....haha....then on Rowena's birthday we've bought some make-up and a bag..also.......she knows... is Shu Hui's birthday...i bought separately from my friends....wat i had got for her only she knows...then just on such coincidence Zi Jun's birthday was on the same day as the for hers haha..i really don know what to say..but we went out to celebrate it along with her birthday..and we got her a pair of short jeans and her fav. apple doll and MORE haha....and we went to take neo-prints....can you imagine..13 of us squeezing inside the space provide haha...let's take a look....along with few more picz i had taken with my friends.....
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
dear blog..,
you know what i wanna do right now ma??!! all i want to do now is to score well in my O's and go a good and a course of my dream in the dream poly and then rent a house outside and get the hell out of here le...cos' now...what ever i do is i wrong de...I'm like an extra here lor...what my brother do is correct..i do what is wrong...
take an allow his friend to come what...just to put song into his friend's mp3...but his friend also got com. de lea...i just don't understand why his friend can't put the songs at his own his own house can say me selfish..but the computer is inside my room..a girl's room lea...can't be that always allow boys to come in the ma...i also need my own private space de ma...then i say like this my parents say don't be selfish....this not first time...happen alot time liao my room can't do my things...will see him in my room play com. this never mind la..but still bring friend over to enjoy playing game with him...whats wrong with him...!!!! more worst...his friend install don't what thing for him in this com. don't know he's an idiot or what...we share the com.lor...install thing confirm will affect de the com.'s surfing history will appear 4 mysterious website..that i don't even know...and then i shout for him to come in...he say my fault...clever liao lor..put all the blame on me....i can't even remove those "surf" web....
so angry...putting the blame on parents also side angry no where to vent...took mi so much time to relax...can't vent my anger anywhere..stamp my feet in my room..shout or slam door...or do whatever thing...also will kanna scold...confirm one day i faint or DIE even due to storing so much anger in me....I JUST WANT TO GET OUT!!!!
filling anger and blowing out fire,
angry piggy
you know what i wanna do right now ma??!! all i want to do now is to score well in my O's and go a good and a course of my dream in the dream poly and then rent a house outside and get the hell out of here le...cos' now...what ever i do is i wrong de...I'm like an extra here lor...what my brother do is correct..i do what is wrong...
take an allow his friend to come what...just to put song into his friend's mp3...but his friend also got com. de lea...i just don't understand why his friend can't put the songs at his own his own house can say me selfish..but the computer is inside my room..a girl's room lea...can't be that always allow boys to come in the ma...i also need my own private space de ma...then i say like this my parents say don't be selfish....this not first time...happen alot time liao my room can't do my things...will see him in my room play com. this never mind la..but still bring friend over to enjoy playing game with him...whats wrong with him...!!!! more worst...his friend install don't what thing for him in this com. don't know he's an idiot or what...we share the com.lor...install thing confirm will affect de the com.'s surfing history will appear 4 mysterious website..that i don't even know...and then i shout for him to come in...he say my fault...clever liao lor..put all the blame on me....i can't even remove those "surf" web....
so angry...putting the blame on parents also side angry no where to vent...took mi so much time to relax...can't vent my anger anywhere..stamp my feet in my room..shout or slam door...or do whatever thing...also will kanna scold...confirm one day i faint or DIE even due to storing so much anger in me....I JUST WANT TO GET OUT!!!!
filling anger and blowing out fire,
angry piggy
Saturday, September 01, 2007
dear blog..,
whats there to compared about the results....WHATS THERE TO COMPARED!!!! i hate been compared with other i hate i hate!!!! some more compared my results with a sec3...whats there to do about it hate hate HATE~!!!! i'm always been compared with the ones younger in my family...STUPID what they results good...OUR LEVEL OF EDUCATION SAME MEH?! they don't know can consult lea...consult who consult the wall..the bed...or the air...IDIOTIC....STUPID..BULLSHIT FAMILY...!!!!!!
whats there to compared about the results....WHATS THERE TO COMPARED!!!! i hate been compared with other i hate i hate!!!! some more compared my results with a sec3...whats there to do about it hate hate HATE~!!!! i'm always been compared with the ones younger in my family...STUPID what they results good...OUR LEVEL OF EDUCATION SAME MEH?! they don't know can consult lea...consult who consult the wall..the bed...or the air...IDIOTIC....STUPID..BULLSHIT FAMILY...!!!!!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
dear blog..,
I'm so stress...especially when I'm in my home...i can't really focus...i see my bed..i want to sleep..i see the com. i want to play...see TV want to watch....mouth "itchy" want to eat....i find it hard to concentrate lor...then is my family...always so to focus on my studies...want to go school study..they don't let want me to stay at home to do it...say what if you won't find it noisy and don't find so many excuses to go out...WHAT RUBBISH...what the hell parents you all are...can't even spare thought for me....even my aunts and other family members know that i need my own space...what about you both as my parents!!!! very irritating you know..some more you all are more closer to me..then the more you should know about my needs...what the HELL ARE YOU ALL THINKING ABOUT...WHERE'S THE THOUGHT THAT YOU CAN SPARE FOR MY ME....WHEN CAN YOU START TO KNOW TO TALK SOFTER..TURN DOWN THE VOLUME OF THE TV...YOU THINK I GOT A SOUND PROOF DOOR OR A SOUND PROOF EAR...!!!! TELL you both also useless....even my godmother's who has no blood relationship with me would want to help me in my studies...well maybe I SHOULD SEEK HELP FROM THE OTHERS ESPECIALLY GRANDMOTHER...SO SHE CAN KNOCK SOME SENSE TO YOU BOTH!!! Argh spare no thought for me..just like now...even the friend of yours also talking so loud...TV volume and your volume also so LOUD!!!!!
I'm so stress...especially when I'm in my home...i can't really focus...i see my bed..i want to sleep..i see the com. i want to play...see TV want to watch....mouth "itchy" want to eat....i find it hard to concentrate lor...then is my family...always so to focus on my studies...want to go school study..they don't let want me to stay at home to do it...say what if you won't find it noisy and don't find so many excuses to go out...WHAT RUBBISH...what the hell parents you all are...can't even spare thought for me....even my aunts and other family members know that i need my own space...what about you both as my parents!!!! very irritating you know..some more you all are more closer to me..then the more you should know about my needs...what the HELL ARE YOU ALL THINKING ABOUT...WHERE'S THE THOUGHT THAT YOU CAN SPARE FOR MY ME....WHEN CAN YOU START TO KNOW TO TALK SOFTER..TURN DOWN THE VOLUME OF THE TV...YOU THINK I GOT A SOUND PROOF DOOR OR A SOUND PROOF EAR...!!!! TELL you both also useless....even my godmother's who has no blood relationship with me would want to help me in my studies...well maybe I SHOULD SEEK HELP FROM THE OTHERS ESPECIALLY GRANDMOTHER...SO SHE CAN KNOCK SOME SENSE TO YOU BOTH!!! Argh spare no thought for me..just like now...even the friend of yours also talking so loud...TV volume and your volume also so LOUD!!!!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Dear blog...,
it had been a busy week for me,there's preparation of the graduation video and the preparing of the coming prelims....i just got off one of the burden of my shoulders and now there's another waiting for me to take it off.
the preparation of the video took me and my classmates to "stay over" after school to complete it and it took us two today was the dateline and we had to go back home much later then others....doing it had caused alot of problems and the video we had done yesterday...everything gone missing and we had to re-do it was very stressful cause need to think alot and matching in the pictures and music....not that easy...everything a mistake was made, we might have to re-do the whole thing or change the concept of doing that certain music/picture....we took alot of effort until we got almost all our teachers photo other then Mr Teo....we took another class photo and other some photo...must thank to all my classmates..they helped alot and contribute alot....the troubles were that the video need to insert music and we had alot of trouble listening to the music cause we got alot of distractions...therefore, this made me very frustrated...more stressful..shouted and show a black face at my classmates....AT HERE I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU ALL FOR MY IMPATIENCE AND RUDENESS........SORRY~
then we finished the whole thing at around 5 but we are not able to go home..instead we are still trap doing it cos' we are suppose to return the lab top and to burn the video into a disc...but then..worst thing comes...the lab was locked..the technician had went home...and we hadn't burn the disc....then we went to the office to seek help there...Must thank Mdm Chua, the librarian teacher, alot she help us alot...she help us ask Mr first Mr Ong did not allow us to use the computer cos' no teacher would accompany us...then..Mdm Chua help us again then...Mr Ong understand what's the situation and allow us to use the teacher's resource room to use the com. there....thanks goodness we are able to burn the disc..but neither Mr Edwin Chan nor Mr Wang could be found...then..Mr Ong do us 2 favour by helping us to take care of the Lab top and return the technician tomorrow...he also help us to pass the disc to Mr Chan...thank goodness..the thing was able to finish...after going through all these things...the time we went home was 5.30 plus....i reach home at about 6 past a few minutes le....cos' tired and long day lor...cos' i and my friends like continue doing it at the start of the day and then the school dismissal time was 12.30 pm and go home at such a long time after spending my time in school was not good....anyway...having a bad headache liao....better go rest awhile and my prelims are coming hope i can do well.... i think there might be a preview of the video ba....but i'll be putting it up at 28 Sep after the ceremony..please.JING QING QI DAI!!!
and sorrie again my friends and classmates for venting my stress and anger on you all....sorrie.....
it had been a busy week for me,there's preparation of the graduation video and the preparing of the coming prelims....i just got off one of the burden of my shoulders and now there's another waiting for me to take it off.
the preparation of the video took me and my classmates to "stay over" after school to complete it and it took us two today was the dateline and we had to go back home much later then others....doing it had caused alot of problems and the video we had done yesterday...everything gone missing and we had to re-do it was very stressful cause need to think alot and matching in the pictures and music....not that easy...everything a mistake was made, we might have to re-do the whole thing or change the concept of doing that certain music/picture....we took alot of effort until we got almost all our teachers photo other then Mr Teo....we took another class photo and other some photo...must thank to all my classmates..they helped alot and contribute alot....the troubles were that the video need to insert music and we had alot of trouble listening to the music cause we got alot of distractions...therefore, this made me very frustrated...more stressful..shouted and show a black face at my classmates....AT HERE I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU ALL FOR MY IMPATIENCE AND RUDENESS........SORRY~
then we finished the whole thing at around 5 but we are not able to go home..instead we are still trap doing it cos' we are suppose to return the lab top and to burn the video into a disc...but then..worst thing comes...the lab was locked..the technician had went home...and we hadn't burn the disc....then we went to the office to seek help there...Must thank Mdm Chua, the librarian teacher, alot she help us alot...she help us ask Mr first Mr Ong did not allow us to use the computer cos' no teacher would accompany us...then..Mdm Chua help us again then...Mr Ong understand what's the situation and allow us to use the teacher's resource room to use the com. there....thanks goodness we are able to burn the disc..but neither Mr Edwin Chan nor Mr Wang could be found...then..Mr Ong do us 2 favour by helping us to take care of the Lab top and return the technician tomorrow...he also help us to pass the disc to Mr Chan...thank goodness..the thing was able to finish...after going through all these things...the time we went home was 5.30 plus....i reach home at about 6 past a few minutes le....cos' tired and long day lor...cos' i and my friends like continue doing it at the start of the day and then the school dismissal time was 12.30 pm and go home at such a long time after spending my time in school was not good....anyway...having a bad headache liao....better go rest awhile and my prelims are coming hope i can do well.... i think there might be a preview of the video ba....but i'll be putting it up at 28 Sep after the ceremony..please.JING QING QI DAI!!!
and sorrie again my friends and classmates for venting my stress and anger on you all....sorrie.....
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Dear blog...,
today i have my science practical...haiz think is die liao la...not enough time to finish lor..and i was very nervous till i broke into cold sweat....haiz.....can't help liao this time...all is up to fate le....nowadays...kept eating junk food...haiz cause me indigestion le stomach strange strange de...don't know is cause i had some gastric pain in the afternoon...haiz....sian sian sian~...oki now go and do work le bb....JIA YOU!!!!
working hard,
sleepy pig
today i have my science practical...haiz think is die liao la...not enough time to finish lor..and i was very nervous till i broke into cold sweat....haiz.....can't help liao this time...all is up to fate le....nowadays...kept eating junk food...haiz cause me indigestion le stomach strange strange de...don't know is cause i had some gastric pain in the afternoon...haiz....sian sian sian~...oki now go and do work le bb....JIA YOU!!!!
working hard,
sleepy pig
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
dear blog....,
i enjoy alot is so funny my whole class celebrated Mr Lian..our form teacher's birthday..though it was belated but at least we got do sometink for him haha....we bought for him a cake and then we tear a big piece of black paper into 35 small rectangle pieces and we wrote our " blessings" to him haha...after that we need to go to the computer lab for our lifeskills then...the whole class already plan liao...he go into the lab with the others while the few of us wait outside first then...when we went in...his face was shocked...after that we sang Happy Birthday song to him..and he was...surprised lor then kept smiling ahaha....after then he gave us a short speech...saying that he wish that we can do well for the O and some of the speech almost similar to the previous post...the tinks that he said almost the same as my previous post ahaha....after lifeskills he went out of the room...just rite there was some teacher outside and he showed them the BIG card and from far...i saw his expression was a little proud and kept smiling...can't close his mouth sia...haha...then today got the chemistry remedial...oki la..except i was blur blur liao..not really understand it...only understand very little...don't why was a great day..and first time to squeeze every tink into a paragraph haha....oki..stop here liao...JIA YOU!!
smile smile,
sleepy piggy
i enjoy alot is so funny my whole class celebrated Mr Lian..our form teacher's birthday..though it was belated but at least we got do sometink for him haha....we bought for him a cake and then we tear a big piece of black paper into 35 small rectangle pieces and we wrote our " blessings" to him haha...after that we need to go to the computer lab for our lifeskills then...the whole class already plan liao...he go into the lab with the others while the few of us wait outside first then...when we went in...his face was shocked...after that we sang Happy Birthday song to him..and he was...surprised lor then kept smiling ahaha....after then he gave us a short speech...saying that he wish that we can do well for the O and some of the speech almost similar to the previous post...the tinks that he said almost the same as my previous post ahaha....after lifeskills he went out of the room...just rite there was some teacher outside and he showed them the BIG card and from far...i saw his expression was a little proud and kept smiling...can't close his mouth sia...haha...then today got the chemistry remedial...oki la..except i was blur blur liao..not really understand it...only understand very little...don't why was a great day..and first time to squeeze every tink into a paragraph haha....oki..stop here liao...JIA YOU!!
smile smile,
sleepy piggy
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
dear blog...,
all of the sudden during the chemistry lessons....there's an urge to looked back in the years....this morning when Mr Edwin Chan spoke to us on the topic of the graduation day...i felt a little surprised as i never thought that the time had passed so fast till the time to graduate had come...
during the chemistry lesson,that urge to looked back on my years came by all of the sudden and i was thinking thought it and came by this thought....with a blink of eye...I'm going to graduate from the school so soon..and i can't even believe it...remember the few posts back which i had tried to looked back and recall the past events....this time will also be another look back in this fast i had already finish taking my MT June O level papers...and just only yesterday i received my results and i scored B3 for the paper and Distinction for my oral...but getting a B3 was not a good result for me..thus i had plan to retake the from the past few months came streaming into me while i was writing this like the birthdays that we had celebrated with our friends after school like Li Qi's and Ronald's....the Racial Harmony Day(RHD) where everyone had alot of fun with our friends and had also changed into our class-tee after that during RHD..where we took our pictures at the pavilion and at the grass patch....the Jyian Nite....the CCA recognition..SYF and more events....all this events actually had contain much of my memories within it....and also brought alot of feelings and emotions to me....such as sadness when we fail our SYF..happiness during the celebration of birthdays....our strong friendship bond during RHD and alot more....
and now we are all going to graduate from the school and we may be going on different ways/paths in our life....but not matter what...i know that all these memories will forever be kept in my heart..somewhere in there..where they will always be remembered and not forgotten...and not matter what might happen to us in the future....i know that the class 5A1 of year 2007 roxz....and how strong our class unity Jia You now...and we know class 5A1 of year 2007 will not give up till the last minute...and all the best to the coming O levels....and not forgetting to smile always and best wishes to all the 35 of us including score very well in the O's!!!! GOOD LUCK ALL!!!! ALSO GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY FRIENDS INCLUDING THOSE IN 5A2 AND OTHER FRIENDS TAKING O's THIS TOO~!
always rembered,
sleepy piggy
all of the sudden during the chemistry lessons....there's an urge to looked back in the years....this morning when Mr Edwin Chan spoke to us on the topic of the graduation day...i felt a little surprised as i never thought that the time had passed so fast till the time to graduate had come...
during the chemistry lesson,that urge to looked back on my years came by all of the sudden and i was thinking thought it and came by this thought....with a blink of eye...I'm going to graduate from the school so soon..and i can't even believe it...remember the few posts back which i had tried to looked back and recall the past events....this time will also be another look back in this fast i had already finish taking my MT June O level papers...and just only yesterday i received my results and i scored B3 for the paper and Distinction for my oral...but getting a B3 was not a good result for me..thus i had plan to retake the from the past few months came streaming into me while i was writing this like the birthdays that we had celebrated with our friends after school like Li Qi's and Ronald's....the Racial Harmony Day(RHD) where everyone had alot of fun with our friends and had also changed into our class-tee after that during RHD..where we took our pictures at the pavilion and at the grass patch....the Jyian Nite....the CCA recognition..SYF and more events....all this events actually had contain much of my memories within it....and also brought alot of feelings and emotions to me....such as sadness when we fail our SYF..happiness during the celebration of birthdays....our strong friendship bond during RHD and alot more....
and now we are all going to graduate from the school and we may be going on different ways/paths in our life....but not matter what...i know that all these memories will forever be kept in my heart..somewhere in there..where they will always be remembered and not forgotten...and not matter what might happen to us in the future....i know that the class 5A1 of year 2007 roxz....and how strong our class unity Jia You now...and we know class 5A1 of year 2007 will not give up till the last minute...and all the best to the coming O levels....and not forgetting to smile always and best wishes to all the 35 of us including score very well in the O's!!!! GOOD LUCK ALL!!!! ALSO GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY FRIENDS INCLUDING THOSE IN 5A2 AND OTHER FRIENDS TAKING O's THIS TOO~!
always rembered,
sleepy piggy
Saturday, August 11, 2007
dear blog...,
i happens to view a post...hmmm it say something about the word love which made alot of sense to me...admiring doesn't mean to get to be pay backed.....and loving someone doesn't means by talking means by the sincerity and actions....loving one doesn't means that you love the one cos' he/she is beautiful/handsome got the body or what.....these aren't love but only just some admiration.... =/
loving one is by heart and by a feeling that you don't know how to explain....when you loved a would want to protect he/she from any hurts and also will want to sacrificed for him/her.....this feeling would happen when you're in love....and when you're in would understand what I'm trying to say le.... and also admire is different from love no pay back is need when there true love between admire...a little payback is needed...and would want this little payback alot.... =\
anyway when the time comes...some will understand this feeling and as for me....i had already went through all this procedures le...not a good taste for me =P
smile smile always,
sleepy piggy
i happens to view a post...hmmm it say something about the word love which made alot of sense to me...admiring doesn't mean to get to be pay backed.....and loving someone doesn't means by talking means by the sincerity and actions....loving one doesn't means that you love the one cos' he/she is beautiful/handsome got the body or what.....these aren't love but only just some admiration.... =/
loving one is by heart and by a feeling that you don't know how to explain....when you loved a would want to protect he/she from any hurts and also will want to sacrificed for him/her.....this feeling would happen when you're in love....and when you're in would understand what I'm trying to say le.... and also admire is different from love no pay back is need when there true love between admire...a little payback is needed...and would want this little payback alot.... =\
anyway when the time comes...some will understand this feeling and as for me....i had already went through all this procedures le...not a good taste for me =P
smile smile always,
sleepy piggy
Friday, August 10, 2007
dear blog...,
of the images below are my precious memories which i would always...always remember them!!!!! these picture might meant nothing to others but it meant alot to me....the memories that i had with them and would never be forgotten.......the feelings that cannot be explained....the first one is created by yee qian!!! 

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
dear blog...,
finally i update liao's being a long time le....haiz lazy arh haha....this week not bad lea....i bought a bag last week...then also had alot of fun including a very unlucky day....last Saturday went out with my friends to bugis..then the moment i step into bugis...bad luck start to befall on me.....
i got step but other people and then a old auntie never saw whats in-front and accidentally step on my foot....follow up is a guy..his elbow hit mi somewhere really don't know what to say....i also don't know he purposely or accidentally but he no apologise and went i went to the bag shop where i bought my bag....i just place one foot inside and then the hook stick which is use to take down things at high place...all of the sudden fell down then lucky never hit mi....them i saw a bag i want and ask for the sales assistant to take down...the hook which is use to hang the bag for display come out and hit my hand....lucky the bag gt a discount haha...them follow suzana to change her shirt which she bought...on the way....the world's childish people appear liao...that day i was wearing my class-tee...then on the way...i hear some one call my name...when i turn around i saw a couple laughing away...crazy me it's the most childish stupid and idiotic act...and the girlfriend didn't even took the initiative to stop her boyfriend from doing this stupid act....made me so angry.....lame lor....then when going to cross the road back to the MRT station...on the middle pavement to wait for the traffic light...a person in a smaller size...he/she...accidentally knock her head onto my back....pain lor...unluckiness still no over....i'm the type which when i'm nervous i would broke into cold sweat....then i was rushing home after that then when i drop off at my bustop...i almost slipped and fell thank goodness i manage to balance my self and no one was it....heng....phew....when reach home...everything was save le....
then today went to watch "Alone"...the preview said was a ghost movie but i think is like a murder act lea....cos the female actor got a little pervert and violent sia....between the show was very funny cos mi and Cai Ling joke and then very funny haha....don't know how to say....some was very scary...especially the part where the ghost appear....then the most scary part was not scary cos i heard the back people say the part in the bath tub was scary..i told Cai Ling and we made some mentally prepare haha....after the show i feel funny haha....anyway today also got celebrate national day very sian lor....not fun de...the programmes in school are getting more and more bore each turning pig very yesterday i slept through until 8 plus then wake up...haha....skip dinner since yesterday nite...not feeling very hungry 'O' level Chinese result coming out on Monday....haiz posting at my school forum sia....hope i can pass well also my friends can score well JIAYOU!!!!
smile smile,
sleepy piggy
finally i update liao's being a long time le....haiz lazy arh haha....this week not bad lea....i bought a bag last week...then also had alot of fun including a very unlucky day....last Saturday went out with my friends to bugis..then the moment i step into bugis...bad luck start to befall on me.....
i got step but other people and then a old auntie never saw whats in-front and accidentally step on my foot....follow up is a guy..his elbow hit mi somewhere really don't know what to say....i also don't know he purposely or accidentally but he no apologise and went i went to the bag shop where i bought my bag....i just place one foot inside and then the hook stick which is use to take down things at high place...all of the sudden fell down then lucky never hit mi....them i saw a bag i want and ask for the sales assistant to take down...the hook which is use to hang the bag for display come out and hit my hand....lucky the bag gt a discount haha...them follow suzana to change her shirt which she bought...on the way....the world's childish people appear liao...that day i was wearing my class-tee...then on the way...i hear some one call my name...when i turn around i saw a couple laughing away...crazy me it's the most childish stupid and idiotic act...and the girlfriend didn't even took the initiative to stop her boyfriend from doing this stupid act....made me so angry.....lame lor....then when going to cross the road back to the MRT station...on the middle pavement to wait for the traffic light...a person in a smaller size...he/she...accidentally knock her head onto my back....pain lor...unluckiness still no over....i'm the type which when i'm nervous i would broke into cold sweat....then i was rushing home after that then when i drop off at my bustop...i almost slipped and fell thank goodness i manage to balance my self and no one was it....heng....phew....when reach home...everything was save le....
then today went to watch "Alone"...the preview said was a ghost movie but i think is like a murder act lea....cos the female actor got a little pervert and violent sia....between the show was very funny cos mi and Cai Ling joke and then very funny haha....don't know how to say....some was very scary...especially the part where the ghost appear....then the most scary part was not scary cos i heard the back people say the part in the bath tub was scary..i told Cai Ling and we made some mentally prepare haha....after the show i feel funny haha....anyway today also got celebrate national day very sian lor....not fun de...the programmes in school are getting more and more bore each turning pig very yesterday i slept through until 8 plus then wake up...haha....skip dinner since yesterday nite...not feeling very hungry 'O' level Chinese result coming out on Monday....haiz posting at my school forum sia....hope i can pass well also my friends can score well JIAYOU!!!!
today we also celebrated du liang's birthday..we gave him a biggest birthday card he ever received..haha..these are the picture that i had taken for this card this time no buy cake wor...sorrie du liang..anyway..happy birthday to you..may all your wishes come true!!!!
the card!!!!
smile smile,
sleepy piggy
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
dear blog....,
today is the Racial Harmony Day...whole participate in wearing the ethnic costume yea...united a..?! i and my friends took alot of pictures and also today my class took our own class photo haha...half of us wear our very own class tee hehe...very nice got more than 40 picz...think when open this post will be very lag ba haha...picz all up now yea~!
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